zeros - create an all black image of any size.uint8 - instructs MATLAB to set any variable as an image data type.size - returns the height, width, and number of pages of the image.
Save the fixed image to a file where the word Puzzle has been replaced by Fixed COP227L MATLAB HV Useful Image Commands Feel free to use the following image commands to help with the homework! Check the MATLAB help or the class notes for more information on using each command:.Rearrange the image - The image has been split into 4 quadrants based on the two diagonals through the middle of the image Fix the quadrants by swapping the top and bottom quadrants.Go to every row and column location in the image and do the following: - Move pixels from the image puzzle to a new row and column location in the blank image If at an even row index, use the formula: new row = row/2 If at an odd row index, use the formula: new row = (row+1)/2+image_height)/2 If at an a col in the left half, use the formula: new col = (image_width)/2 + 1-col If at an a col in the right half, use the formula: new col = 3 (image_width)/2+ 1-ool - Fix the colors in the image Multiply all the red and blue pixel values by 3 * Set all the green pixel values to 0 Create a blank image of the same size as the image puzzle.COP227L MATLAB HWIO Sample Output Test Case 1: Enter image name: Alpha_Puzzle.png Corrected image saved to Alpha_Fixed.png Test Case 2: Enter image name: Bravo Puzzle.png Corrected image saved to Bravo Fixed.png Test Case 3: Enter image name: Charlie Puzzle.png Corrected image saved to Charlie_Fixed.png Pixel Decoding Algorithm Use the following steps to solve the puzzle: Check out the following example for the Statue of Liberty: Figure 1: Statue of Liberty image scrambled by lowering the blue and green pixel values. For each puzzle, a real image was taken and the pixels scrambled to hide the true image. By combining thousands or millions of these pixels, we can create rich digital images! Your goal for this assignment is to solve different image puzzles by implementing a pixel decoding algorithm. Think of an image as a closely-packed grid of dots that each have their own color, represented using the RGB format: Red-Green-Blue. Emphasizes applying problem solving skills directed toward technical careers in fields employing a reasonably high degree of mathematics. Corrected image saved to XXX - Replace the word Puzzle with Fired in the original name, saving the new image to file Assignment Details A digital image is essentially a multidimensional collection of pixels, which are the smallest components of the image. COP2271 Computer Programming for Engineers Computer programming and the use of computers to solve engineering and mathematical problems.

The images will be square with an even number of rows and columns. The professor is nice and probably means well, but he is awful at teaching the class.